The large populations of people living in Nakuru County are Christians with few Hindus and muslims. The majority of people living in Nakuru County are Kikuyu and Kalenjins. The Kikuyu speak Gikuyu as a language which is the one of the language spoken in Kenya. Kalenjin community is sub-divided into numerous sub-tribes namely Nandi, Keiyo, Pokot, Tugen, Sabaot, Kipsigis, Marakwet and Terik and they all speak in Kalenjin language. The most educated Kalenjin and Kikuyu speak Kiswahili and English.
Traditionally, kalenjin served Supreme god called Asis and He represented by the Sun while Kikuyus Serve one god called Ngai meaning the provider and they believed their god lived at the top of Mt. Kenya.
Kikuyus main dish is Githeri (maize and beand) Mukimo (mashed potatoes with green peas and maize) while kalenjins like Ugali.
The main mobile telephone organizations are Airtel and Safaricom which network connection can be easily accessed in Nakuru county and the entire country as well.